Monday 4 April 2016

The Last class with Ms Norasyikin and the love codes from the sky

Hello again it’s been a while since I posted about networking and I’, very2x sorry for the late update. So fow this week topic is, “  Basic Web Development’’. In this topic, this the first time I’ve been taught in more detail about  Hyper Text Markup Language or the common name we see in internet that is HTML . So what is HTML? HTML is a language used to write  Web document with it and Browsing software can identify how to display the document link such as, graphic and etc. Keep reading cuz there will be an added bonus i put for lovers out there to say i love you to their love ones

HTML  file can be produce with  Simple Text Editor :

1.Adobe Dreamweaver



4.Adobe Flash,

5.Claris Home Page

6.Adobe Page Mill

Below is the code example can be made for HTML file using Simple Text editor :




<title>Title of page</title>


<body>This is my first


<b>This text is bold</b>



PARAGRAPH: center, left, right, justify


<p align=center>

This is a centered paragraph.





untuk set center


<FONT color=blue>





PARAGRAPH: Background & text color

<body bgcolor=black text=white>

<H1>Hi! I am Megat.</H1>

So as an added bonus, I’ll teach some of the basic tricks I learnerd after a few research, try this code below on you Dreamweaver;

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="I Love You"></a><br><a href="" target="_blank" title="Myspace & Orkut Comments" >Myspace and Orkut Comments</a> from <a href="" target="_blank" title="Myspace Graphics, Orkut Comments, Flash Greetings and More" ></a><br><br>

This is the only picture I wanna post today as this is a way of saying thank you to our beloved lecturer

PS: sorry cuz i didnt add minmap this time.

Saturday 2 April 2016

Week 6: Me and wireless

     Hello readers again, sorry for the late updates due to some of my coursework i have to attend. So today, I have been taught about wireless technology. As we know, wireless technology are very2x famous among youngsters today. So, I’m just gonna be brief on todays topic,Wireless Technology.

There are 4 types of Wireless :
    1. Wireless wide area networks (WWANs)

2.Wireless metropolitan area networks (WMANs)ü

3.Wireless local area networks (WLANs)ü

4.Wireless personal area networks (WPANs)ü

For Wireless Technology, among the examples are:

1.      Infra Red

2.      Wireless Local Area Networks(WLANS) WIFI

3.      Broaband Wireless

4.      Blutooth

5.      WiMax

1.Infra Red- X use Radio frequency as signals

2.WLANS- there arte 3 physical layers of WLANS that is 2 frequency Radio , and 1 Infared.

3.Broadband- wireless access is a technology aimed a tproviding high-speed wireless access over a wide area from devices such as personal computers to data networks.

4.Blutooth-Designed for short distance network <10m, connects & data exchanges between devices such as handphone,laptops,PCs,Printers, digital Cameras & video game .

5.WiMax-To extend the range of wireless network.(Speed up to 70Mbps range 30 Miles) 

By the way, as usual, i posted a mind map below for reference