Friday 26 February 2016

week 1: Data Communication, Presentation, and the Mindmap.

Week 1

  For this week, we have been taught about "data transmission". To get us understand better, our dearest lecturer, Dr. Norasykin gives us a bit of explaination regarding the topics. Later in the end of the class, we were divided into several groups to explain the sub topics within Data Transmission. I team up with my coursemate, where there's four of us in the group. At first, we have difficuilties in understanding some of the topics but after a few of brainstorming together, we manage to find a solution and present what we understand flawlessly (laughing). There we can see that team work is important in doing a group work and this helps me a lot to understand my classmate better. Below are the picture of this week notes. Also, I have include some Mind Map Notes which i hope that can help my respected readers or anyone who needs it.

PS: Feel free to comment
This is a picture I captured from my class.

This is me,  with myfriends doing research on the regarding subjects.

This is me(second from left) and my team having selfies a bit to release tension. LOL
This is a short mindmap that I made. Not that much beautiful or cool, but I hope this can help, even a bit.