Friday 26 February 2016

week 1: Data Communication, Presentation, and the Mindmap.

Week 1

  For this week, we have been taught about "data transmission". To get us understand better, our dearest lecturer, Dr. Norasykin gives us a bit of explaination regarding the topics. Later in the end of the class, we were divided into several groups to explain the sub topics within Data Transmission. I team up with my coursemate, where there's four of us in the group. At first, we have difficuilties in understanding some of the topics but after a few of brainstorming together, we manage to find a solution and present what we understand flawlessly (laughing). There we can see that team work is important in doing a group work and this helps me a lot to understand my classmate better. Below are the picture of this week notes. Also, I have include some Mind Map Notes which i hope that can help my respected readers or anyone who needs it.

PS: Feel free to comment
This is a picture I captured from my class.

This is me,  with myfriends doing research on the regarding subjects.

This is me(second from left) and my team having selfies a bit to release tension. LOL
This is a short mindmap that I made. Not that much beautiful or cool, but I hope this can help, even a bit.


  1. Keep sharing the lesson that you've learned thru your blogs cos it might be useful to the other whos need it. Keep up the good works!!!

  2. thanks for your support Pian Khun Malik :)
