Sunday 6 March 2016

Week 2

    Hello it's me again and it's been a week since I last updated my blog. Firstly I wanna apologise to all my readers for updating very2x late, where I've been veeery busy with my Scout's activity. As usual, I'm gonna post on what i've learned through this week's class and i've put some MINDMAP for my respected viewers where I hope it can be some assistance even a little bit.So for this week, we've been taught about what is  "Computer Networks" and how they works. In class, our lecturers explain the definition first to make us understand what is computer networking. Next, she explained the various types of network such as Personal Area Network(PAN), Local Area Network(LAN), Metropolitian Area Network(MAN), as well as wide Area Network(WAN). And t hen she listed the component involved in computer network ( I'll show it later in the mindmap), the architecture and the topology
  •  Physical:Bus topology, Star topology, Ring topology, Tree/Hybrid and Mesh topology.  
  • Logical: Shared Media and Token based topology
    (Sorry I forgot to include this in the mindmap) 

 At the end, she ask us to divide in another group to present about network devices where we have to present it next week(ours is HUB). So that's it for today and please check on the photo below for Mindmap. 
Picture of me taking picture. LOL. BTW, check out my new haircut.hahah

Our teacher teach about topologies

This is my coursemate in class doing assignment

This Guy is also my coursemate and my team for the week

This is our team(me in center)

This is among the topologioes we learned this week

This is well, for showing of a bit about the scour activities LOL

This is the mind map, although, I didn't add extra explaination

PS: I hope this will help a bit for synopsis for the chapter.


  1. sebab ada muka aku.. aku terpaksa komen jon.. nice.. jon tak pernah tak awesome

  2. hahhahahahh hakim, bagi link blogspot u. Jon nak promote kalau lain kali gambar masuk kat blogspot.hahahaa

  3. scout la.. not scour.. haiya rover!!
