Monday 14 March 2016

Me, the tools and the presentation again in,,Network

Hello again everybody and I'm back on my blog, sorry for the late update, since I've been busy with some of my activities(Mainly on volleyball which cause me having injuries on my shoulder). So enough with the chit chat and let's go to the main topic, "Me, the tools, and the presentation again". So this time, we have been taught again more on connection hardware in components or "Cabling And Hardware". So among the things we have been taught are as below.

For Wired: 
Physically connected using cables
Example: Using conventional telephone cables   
For Wireless  :
Use signals to transfer data
Television and radio network, cellular network

Then, we are given several types of cable to learn such as:
-Fiber Optic Cable
- Unshielded Twisted Pair(UTP)
- Shielded Twisted Pair (STP) 
So, for the rest of the notes, I have provided some mindmap and I hope this could help everyone to
 understand the subject better, as well as some of my pic along.Lol.

Another class session picture

The PC I'm using

This guy is also on my team again, Check out his blogspot

This is Razzi, check out his blog

Again the dream team,LOl and i forgot to include Ahsanul, check him out also

This from class, another presenttation from another team.

Sorry the pic was not clear.Hahah On the board that is.

This is the promised mindmap and sorry for making it simple, Have been busy like hell this week

An assignment give by our lecturers.