Sunday 1 May 2016

E-mail, Social Media, the new Lecturer with a new chapter

This is Dr Johari

Hello again it’s been one hell of a week and I haven’t post anything for a while and I’m very2x Sorry to my readers. So a week ago My lecturer have been switched due to the syllabus , but even so, his class( I forgot to mention that my lecturer  now is a men, so we have to adapt the new situation) are not bad at all, he did a great job on teaching  us  Networking. His name is Dr. Johari(In the picture on the left side) , and for this week’s topic are, about application Of Email,,,,,, and some of the social media which is famous in todays community mainly on teens.

There are Many types of media social, among them are these famous 8 types of social Media( I did my own research instead of just using what the lecturer provides). Each classes has their own similarity and differences on the others. But the difference is not that far, in terms of how  they works, their functions and everything.

These are the examples of  common Social Media Apps within the classes.

Among the famous ones used by teens(including their functions) nowadays are

Email is an abbrievation of  Electronic mail which brings the meaning Electronic Letter.Email are not sent via Post office or postmen but through Internet metworkThrough email we are able to send electronic leters weather in text form, even pictures.. even so, there’s a bit of difference between social media and email, mainly on how they works.

 and this is for this weekly update and i'm very2x sorry for the late update

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