Sunday 1 May 2016

Infrastructures of internet

Hello and good afternoon to my respected readers, for today's post, I will be sharing  a topic that is,“Internet Infrastructure”. Internet is an internal connection to send data through a special packet switching typewhich is, IP (Internet Protocol).

  Other than that I learned about  Internet sevice provider (ISP). They usually supply the software Package, USername , Password,Phone Number and Modem. It's also connected with each other through Network Access Points (NAPs).DFFor instance , TM is also an ISP.

Next, I also learneed about Internet Protocol.  Each device and machine that use Internet will have a unique number known as  IP address .Internet protocol is a language used by computer to communicate through internet. An IP address contains 32 bits,usually shows 4 octets number(IPV4) from 0-255 (But for Ipv6 is more advance and commonly used nowadays since it provides more IP adress)
   Other than that, I've also learned HTTP, which brings meaning on how the will be formated then send and Web Servers actions and the browsers taken in  giving respon to the  multiple command. For example, when we entered an URL in a Browser,it's actually sent as HTTP command to web server directly to it to take and send request.


There's 6 type of internet connection:

1 . Dial connection

2. Cable

3.Satellite internet Access

4.Fixed Wireless

5.Broadband wireless

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